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Permanent Exhibit: History Reclaimed

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to History Reclaimed: Jewish Life in Wrocław and Lower Silesia. Our exhibition recaptures more than 800 years of Jewish history in this part of Europe – a journey that spans medieval Breslau, the German-Jewish Enlightenment, total destruction by the Nazis and post-war communist Poland.
History Reclaimed opened on May 6, 2010, coinciding with the inauguration of the restored White Stork Synagogue, where it is on permanent display. It is our belief that embedding the exhibition in this historic landmark bestows an exceptional meaning to both the building and the exhibition, which complement each other perfectly. The ruined synagogue, previously a symbol of the suffering of the Jews of Wrocław, now becomes a symbol of rebirth and hope for the future.
The project was made possible thanks to the generous support of the EEA Financial Mechanism and Norway Grant joined by the City of Wrocław and the Marshal’s Office of Lower Silesia. We are beholden to many, but the following individuals and institutions in particular for sharing their invaluable materials with us: Maciej Łagiewski, director of the Wrocław City Museum, Henryk Robak, head of the Jewish Social and Cultural Association, the Jewish Department of the University of Wrocław, the Ossolinski National Institute, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the University of Wrocław Library, Via Nova publishers, Esther Adler, Abraham Ascher, Sabina Baral, Gerda Bikales, Jerzy Kichler, Mark Kretschmer, Karol Lewkowicz, Marianne Terjesen, and all those who will be inspired to contribute after viewing the exhibition.